The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim “Head start.”

At the beginning of the game, just when the dragon start burning the town. Would be following Ralof then Hadvar at one of time item you have to decide who to follow, follow Hadvar. If you duno who is he here picure of his face

After Hadvar cut the bindings of your hands. Grab the iron sword off the wall in the room. Then, start keep hitting Hadvar with the sword as he stands by the door to keep leveling up the One-Handed skill. He’s knock down, make sure to not hit him anymore until he gets back up. To level up the Sneak skill, keep sneaking up on Hadvar while he stands by the door, and then attack him with the sword. Keep hitting till lvl 32. Once you reach lvl 33 for the Sneak skill, you have couch sit behind him start hitting him every six seconds once.

To level up the Two-Handed skill, just follow Hadvar till you reach the area where a bear is sleeping/resting when Hadvar gives you the bow and arrow, keep hitting Hadvar with the two-handed weapon to easily level up the Two-Handed skill. Do not Sneak while doing this or it won’t work. And lastly to level up the Destruction skill, keep burning Hadvar. If you leveled all all 4 skills your character should be around level 35 and 34 perks to spend

Is this cheating???
No, it simply abusing the system

Source is from a friend of mine who is a hardcore “The Elder Scrolls” fan

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Garmer College?? what is that?

Hi there,
this website I’m starting is actually for not so “advance gamers”. You have to any Pro to read up my guides. It basically for new players who can’t do complicated task or controls giving them a head start for newbies.

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